Monday, June 15, 2009

First Blog

Ho hum, first blogs are so tough. Not that I do a lot of them. I'm not a blog site whore by any stretch. I only have one other existing site that I do not intend to give up. However, this is where I hope to be a little more anonymous, maybe a little more free to be me. Somehow, things get a little constricting when you have been around for a couple of years, and maybe it's time to be fresh and new. Kind of getting away from your mother. Guffaw. Maybe not, but maybe so.

This place looks hard, I'm going to have to learn how to do shit all over again. Look at that, I said shit in the second paragraph already. I rarely swear on my old site, I have this rep over there. When in actuality I swear like a trooper and just couldn't bring myself to do it. I have this old hangup about not swearing on the computer, part of the original etiquette learned back in the dark ages of computer shit. There, I said it again. Somehow, somewhat liberating.

I don't know what I expect of this place. I won't be duplicating myself, no point in that. My hope is that I will write here, stories, deep stuff, stupid stuff, depressing stuff, happy stuff, any old stuff at all. Just to be new and free of obligations. I don't care if anybody reads me over here, seeing as how I'm new and all. New new new. I have a couple of awesome people that I love over here, and that will grow over time I'm sure.

Now that I have this first blog out of the way, things will go easier from here. Whew, what a relief.